There are no average courses within our MSc programme. We are bound to provide an exceptional learning experience, and there is no better way to achieve this aim than with outstanding courses. They have been carefully crafted by experienced professors and are all meant to make you a more successful and efficient manager.

There are no old-fashioned exams. Instead you are given real-life case studies and essays, which allow you to think critically about your company and your own career. All this might seem too glossy but there is one catch: we do not accept average candidates. Only individuals as outstanding as our values can find their way toward admission at the Robert Kennedy College.


Not-for-credit module

A not-for-credit induction module will be the starting point of the programme. The induction process is designed to familiarise you with the programme design, requirements and resources, as well as with the way online interaction, learning and grading will take place. After the induction you should be familiar with academic life, including academic writing, library services and library access, OnlineCampus access, and academic support services.

Digital Marketing Analytics and Strategy           

The module combines two interesting topics in the field of digital marketing: (i) Digital Marketing strategies and (ii) Marketing/Digital Analytics.  The first part of the module looks at digital marketing strategy development, the critical components of a digital marketing strategy and its strategic significance. Interesting topics like buyer persona development, customer journey mapping etc. will form this part of the module. At the end of the first part of the module you will be required to develop a digital marketing strategy for a firm of your choice. This ties into what you have learned and provides a platform to apply the principles and frameworks that you have learned. The second part of the module looks at digital analytics. In this part we work on a google analytics data set and try to conduct advanced data analysis to bring out interesting patterns and messages. Ultimately all marketing is data driven and hence a marketer should have a good grasp for data analysis.  The main aim of this part of the module is to develop an ability to spot patterns in data, conduct basic data analysis and to appreciate how data analysis could inform and enrich marketing decision making.

International Relationship Management 

Central to modern international business is the development and maintenance of relationships with key stakeholders such as customers and suppliers. This module will develop your awareness of culture in international marketing communications and business-to-business relationships. In addition to traditional communications such as advertising, you will also look at how social media can be used to engage with consumers from different cultural backgrounds. You will also learn how global supply chains across a range of organisations and sectors can be managed responsibly and sustainably.

Marketing Management

This module aims to enhance your understanding of the theory and practice of marketing management. You will learn to deploy the marketing mix to contemporary brands both theoretically and practically as well as developing your ability to make strategic observations and recommendations for marketing management. The module is assessed by a 5000 word case study analysis of a specified real life company where students are encouraged to undertake secondary research based on a country market of their choice to support their analysis.   

Offline and Online Consumer Behaviour

This module focuses on understanding Consumer Behaviour, both in Online and Offline (Brick-and-Mortar) settings.  You will examine a range of relevant consumer behaviour theories and their implications for marketing managers in relation to understanding consumers. You will also enhance your understanding of contemporary issues that influence consumers and how these impact marketers in designing, implementing and evaluating marketing strategies. The module is assessed by a portfolio report as well as a  group project, that will require of you to demonstrate your critical understanding of the concepts, theories and debates that inform consumer behaviour and their practical implications for marketers, policy makers and consumers themselves.